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Home >> Syncope/Neurally Mediated Syncope >> // Research >> Currently Enrolling

Participate in Research

If you have a poorly understood medical condition, including any form of dysautonomia, one of the most rewarding things you can do is to participate in research on your condition. The treatments you currently use were probably studied on patients that came before you. Eventually, better treatments and a cure for your condition will be discovered, because patients just like you were willing to participate in research.

Not all research requires you to take medication. Sometimes research can be as simple as filling out a survey, giving a vial of blood, trying a new exercise program or letting a doctor review your medical records. Here are some ways to find out about current and future research studies you may be eligible to participate in.

The following studies are currently recruiting:
Cardiovagal baroreflex, neurovascular coupling and cognition in POTS
Droxidopa in POTS and Vasovagal Syncope
The Big POTS Survey
Local Vasoconstriction in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)
Mechanisms of Vasovagal Syncope

Dysautonomia related clinical trials can be found by searching our Trials Today database for medical conditions you are interested in. TrialsToday is a easy way to search over 280,000 clinical trials taking place in over 200 countries.

Dysautonomia International partnered with Vanderbilt University's Autonomic Dysfunction Center and ResearchMatch to create a registry for POTS patients, but Research Match it open to individuals with any diagnosis, and healthy individuals too. If you sign up for ResearchMatch, you will be notified when research studies become available that you may qualify for. After learning about the study, you can decide if you want to participate or not. Over 2000 individuals with POTS have already signed up for ResearchMatch, and 600 individuals with other forms of dysautonomi. Help us grow this registry so that we can encourage more researchers to take an interest in dysautonomia research!

Autonomic Disorders Consortium Contact Registry
The US National Institutes of Health has formed an Autonomic Disorders Consortium to bring together different stakeholders from the autonomic community, to foster research in this developing field of medicine. The Consortium has created a Contact Registry for various autonomic disorders. Patients from around the globe can enter their contact information and their diagnosis into the database, and then if there are researchers looking for research participants, they will contact the patient to see if they are interested in participtaing in the research. We encourage all dysautonomia patients to sign up for this registry, if your diagnosis is among those listed on the Consortium's registry.

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